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My 2023 Daily Routine
How I Win The Day.
It’s been a minute since I’ve written one of these. I’ve been a bit busy with starting my new brand and other IRL matters, but hopefully I’ll be able to write more of these newsletters at a more reasonable frequency from now on.
A few people have asked me what my daily routine is like as a solo entrepreneur. I’ll outline what my current routine is like, which is a lot more rigid than from a few years ago.
As I’ve transitioned from being an office worker to being self-employed, I’ve been fortunate enough to have a drastically higher level of autonomy that wasn’t afforded to me in the past.
Now this has been a double-edged sword as I kind of just went with the flow before which translated to a lot of goofing around and only getting a shallow level amount of work done. I find that I must stick to time-blocking my schedule for optimum efficiency.
So without further ado, here’s a brief run-down on how I usually operate on a day-to-day basis:
6:00 - Wake up.
Take my microdosing stack (Psilocibin + Lion’s Mane + Niacin): I’ve noticed a lot of benefits since I’ve started taking this stack. Increased focus, mental clarity, being able to live in the now more easily, and improved mood. The words I’m typing right now just seem to flow more effortlessly as well so creativity levels seem to be upgraded as well.
Inject peptides (BPC-157 and TB-500): I was put onto these collagen peptides by a friend and other entrepreneurs on Twitter. I inject BPC-157 2x day and TB-500 2x a week. Also known as the “Wolverine Stack,” this combo is supposed to make your injuries and aches recover 3-5x faster than normal. I mainly started taking these for a nagging rotator cuff issue and have seen a noticeable improvement. I’m still a bit put off by having to stick a needle in my abdomen twice a day but I’m getting used to it.
6:00-7:30 - Stretching/mobility exercises/calisthenics. Listen to a podcast at the same time.
7:30-8:00 - Sauna.
8:00-8:15 - Meditate with my brain.fm app. While meditating, I like to do red light therapy at the same time. It’s good for collagen production and helps with chronic pain.
8:15-8:30 - Journal how I’m feeling and my thoughts. Write down 3 things I’m grateful for.
8:30-9:30 - Do some light work, plan my daily tasks if I haven’t already
9:30-10:00 - Walk to Muay Thai class
10:00-11:30 - Train Muay Thai
11:30-12:00 - Walk back home
12:00-1:00 - Shower, lunch, change clothes, head to WeWork
Take supplements:
Vitamin D: for improved mood, better immune system, etc.
Zinc: Better immune system, libido, improved testosterone levels, etc.
Krill oil: Better heart health, lower blood pressure, lowered inflammation, etc.
NAD+: I’ve been experimenting with this, not sure if it’s worth taking as I’ve heard it’s not very bioavailable when taken orally. But it’s supposed to be good for anti-aging, muscle recovery, and mental clarity.
Collagen: Anti-aging, better joint health, muscle recovery
Creatine: Improved muscle mass, better exercise performance
1:00-5:00 - Do 4 hours of deep, focused work with no distractions
5:00-5:30 - Take train back home
5:30-7:00 - Have dinner (alone or with friends), relax, watch some Youtube
7:00-7:30 - Go for a walk to digest
(I’m usually more flexible after 7pm. Sometimes I’ll hang out with friends or go on a date. Or I’ll just stay home and do some more work. Usually I stay home and do more work or learn something like AI, watch an educational Youtube, listen to a podcast, read etc.)
10:00-11:00 - Read my book
11:00 - Bed time
And that’s my typical day in a nutshell. I don’t work as many hours like I used to because I feel that 4+ focused hours is all you need once you can delegate tasks to others. You just need to front load the work when starting out and then you can step back a little once you can get your systems and operations developed.
Of course I’m still actively answering messages through Discord/Skype/Email throughout the day. And I don’t take any days off. I always work on weekends and holidays. No 0 days.
As you can see, health is one of the primary focal points of my structure. I’ve neglected health for much of my life and can safely say that optimizing your wellness seeps into all aspects of how I operate. Especially the Muay Thai, it’s made me into being in the best shape of my life. Combat sport is better than any kind of therapy out there, it’s so relieving to just hit pads every morning. Did I mention the strengthened discipline it builds?
It may seem a bit strict to try to account for every hour of the day but for me personally, it’s the only way I can hold myself accountable from delving into time wasting activities like doom scrolling, video games, porn, Netflix.
To be in the 1%, you can’t be doing what the 99% are doing.
PS: If you haven’t subscribed to my Youtube already, please be sure to show me some love. I’ll be posting my first video shortly: https://www.youtube.com/@bill__lee